
Showing posts from July, 2020

Catching up: face masks

For most of the past year, I focused my blog posts on the making of Jeremy's wedding quilt. The last post where I talked about other projects was back in September, 2019 . I've been working on several other things in these months, and every once in a while, I would title and save a blog post, to remind myself to come back and write about them; there are a half-dozen of these lined up. But I wanted to focus my attention on thinking through and working on the wedding quilt project, so I didn't write up blog posts about other things.  Since I finished that quilt, I've turned my attention to another big project, one I've been thinking about and making forays into since about 2006. I'm getting closer to having something to write about this, but not yet.  So, it's a good time to catch up on the other things I've been doing over the last year, mostly smaller craft work, but also a couple of art pieces. I'll start with a recent craft project. Along with most...