Final post on "If Only: A Wedding Quilt for Jeremy"
If Only: A Wedding Quilt for Jeremy, 61 x 92", hand-dyed cotton It's been two and a half months since my last post, where I reported on the decision I'd made about quilting Jeremy's wedding quilt. Since then, I went to the annual quilting retreat for Quilters by Design in the second week of March, just before everything closed in. I was able to show the quilting I'd done, and get thoughts on binding, so when I got home I was ready to finish the quilt. This included ripping out about half the quilting, as I hadn't pinned the layers carefully enough and there was rippling in the bottom half of the quilt. In the photos below, the left shows a section of the bottom, with rippling, and the right shows a section higher in the quilt, which is smooth, as intended! I think you can see it was worth the work to re-do the quilting. The next photo shows the back of the quilt. if you click on the photo, you can enlarge it, and you'll be able to see the very simple s...