A short interview with me
One of my quilts is currently on display at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilt and Fiber Arts, in their exhibit " In Death ." A short interview with me is featured in the current issue of the museum's newsletter. The exhibit is up until December 3. I look forward to seeing the other works in the exhibit when I visit in early November. Wisconsin Museum of Quilt & Fiber Arts September 29, 2017 Barn Blast Featured Artist of the Week ~ Penny Gold Each week, we give you, our Barn Blast readers, exclusive interviews with a variety of fiber artists from across the country. Although each artist is distinctly different from the other, they do have one common thread that binds them all. They have all lived and grieved and they have all made art to express this - but more than this, they have all chosen to share their art with the world by participating in the very special WMQFA exhibit, which is currently on display at the museum. Penny Gold Penny Gold b...