Folding and dyeing
While I continue to develop screens for printing designs on napkins, I thought I'd also try some folding techniques, while I also tried out a few more colors. In these seven napkins, each fabric square was dyed one color, low water immersion, and washed out. Then I soda-soaked again, folded in various patterns, and overdyed with a 3% solution of Dharma's MX Indigo dye. Depending on the base color, the dark blue Indigo overdye either stayed dark blue (over light blue and lavender) or changed as it merged with the base color (most noticeable on the rust colored fabric, where the orange and blue together turned the darker color to more of a brown). Here's a record of the folds, starting at the top and going left to right for each row: Light blue base: a diagonal accordion fold, with dark blue applied in horizontal bands. Gray base: diagonal accordion fold Pumpkin base: folded in half to make a triangle, then accordion folded perpendicular to base of triangle. ...