
Showing posts from July, 2016

Series complete

Back in mid-May, after having finished "Holiness," I wrote a   post   about the development of a final piece about stones, one that would focus on the shape of stones.  I spent the month after that doing many trials with fabric and thread, some small, some large.  Nothing developed that gave me the feeling, "Yes, this is it!"  One day, I realized that I felt OK with not doing another large piece about stones.   The series of quilts I've been making for the last twelve years is complete—this work that has been about the death of my son Jeremy and what it is like to live with loss. I have put out into the world, as best I can, what there has been in me to say.    There are no more angles to cover.    This doesn't mean that my deep sense of loss is over, just that I have said what I can about it. I will be having a show of this work in August.  My time between now and then will be taken up with details for preparing for the show. ...