Working with words and shapes
It is almost six months since I participated in a week-long workshop with Claire Benn at the Crow Barn in Ohio. The workshop gave me a chance to work on multiple ways of producing graphic shapes and lettering on fabric. Most of the examples above will reappear below, as I describe the work. The workshop was called "Graphics and Graffiti." Most of the sample work that Claire took us through had to do with ways of using letters/words, but we were also encouraged to do graphic work more broadly. Most of what I did falls into three categories: writing/marking with ink (on both paper and fabric), screen printing with shapes drawn from my "Regret" quilt, and using a paper lamination screen to print a large block of narrative text. Writing/marking with ink : The first day of the workshop was devoted to working with paper, using markers and then various implements with India ink. Many of the exercises we did were inspired by the work of Denise Lach , wh...