Screen-printing and batik workshops
I'm back home from a couple of days of mixed media workshops in Chicago. I did two workshops; the first was on Thermofax screen printing taught by Pokey Bolton , and the second was on soy wax batik with Melanie Testa . For the screen printing workshop, we were able to send an image in advance, so at the workshop we each had a personal screen to work with, as well as other screens that Pokey brought with her. I sent in an ink drawing: In my favorite piece, I printed it in two different directions, overlapping. Do double-click on these images for a much better view. The photo at the top of the entry is a detail of this wider piece. I like it. I may just mount it as is and put it on the wall. I like the process of printing quite a bit. One quilt I have in mind includes some repeated words/phrases. Printing might be a good way to get them onto fabric. And here are a few of the many small pieces I did in the batik workshop. The first was one of several I did to see if I could ...